2013年9月15日 星期日

青年音樂家文教基金會的理念 "Visions"

音樂的目的在於榮耀神及更新人類的心靈 - 巴哈

YMF基金會是非營利團體(NPO). YMF基金會不是教會. YMF基於信仰耶穌基督, 整合一群無私的愛樂人士熱情為神的國度奉獻, 提供基金會成為青年音樂家多元發揮平台. 藉由豐富的活動、服務、音樂文化交流等活動, 培養音樂新秀的自我肯定, 與世界接軌的志氣. 與愛樂人共同體驗生命的光與熱, 發揮社會的正向能量, 享受生命的“喜樂”.

Music aim and purpose is to glorify God and provide reaction for the mind.” - Bach

YMF is a non-profit organization (NPO), YMF is not a church. YMF teams base on the faith in Jesus 
Christ, and dedication of the founder Mr. Cui , YMF would like to present the foundation as stages to young musicians/ artists to stimulate their gifted talent through quality creative activities. For rookies, inspire self-affirmation to embrace the world class. For philharmonic, enjoy the sensation of light and heat through music. YMF promotes the positive energy to our community:  Life is fullness of Joy.

