2013年9月15日 星期日

心靈園地 “Spiritual Life”—Jabez Fellowship

願感動你的靈加倍的感動我 列王記下2:9b

YMF衷心期待, 參加YMF音樂藝術活動而得着感動, 尋求靈裡的滋潤, 願意進一步了解耶穌基督. YMF的Jabez將繼續重溫古典音樂賞析及聖經讀書. YMF提供需靈修的服務, 連結相關基督信仰的團體引導帶領學習;配合舉辦福音見證音樂會等活動.

"Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," 2 Kings 2:9b

YMF prays for those who would participate YMF program, might be touched by the Holy Graces, and sense the need of spiritual nourishment, to understand Jesus Christ. Jabez shall revive “Classical Music Appreciation Class” and” JBS Bible Study”. YMF will provide the assistance in linking to Christian community for guidance; and/or conducting gospel witness concerts, Bible study, and other activities by request.

