2013年9月15日 星期日

音樂聚寶磐系列 “Cornucopia of Tone”

人道精神偉人史懷哲:『巴哈的音樂是詩,也是繪畫』(die Tonmalerei =Tone Painting)。

YMF活動是為培養愛樂人的興趣與知性感性結合, 同時提供音樂新秀的表現機會. 將邀請專業講師的導聆, 配合青年音樂家live詮釋. 題材將呈現多樣化, 音樂藝術的結合, 包含國內,國外樂曲欣賞….享受表演藝術現場的激盪.

"Bach's music is poetry, but also painting" (die Tonmalerei = Tone Painting).

by Great humanity Albert Schweitzer

YMF activities aim to cultivate Philharmonic interest and intellectual sensibility, and open opportunities to young music be exposure and recognition.  YMF will invite professional instructors conduct lecture concerts, with young musicians live interpretations in diversified combinations of art and music: domestic/western, classical/modern, music/ rhyme ....

